23 diy Christmas Decorations videos ideas

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The Easiest Gnome Tutorial! Dollar Tree Gnomes, DIY Gnome, Christmas Gnome

The Easiest Gnome Tutorial! Dollar Tree Gnomes, DIY Gnome, Christmas Gnome - The Easiest Gnome Tutorial! Dollar Tree Gnomes, DIY Gnome, Christmas Gnome -   23 diy Christmas Decorations videos ideas

Here you can take dollar tree items and turn them into cute works of art. This idea comes to us by simplemadepretty.com Today I’m sharing some popular DIY Gnomes that you can make using Dollar Tree supplies. These Farmhouse style gnomes are easy to Do It Yourself using affordable items found at Dollar Tree Stores. Decorate tiered trays, shelves, mantles, and more with these cute gnomes! Watch the video below to learn where to find “hats” to update your gnome for the holidays and current season!