19 diy Home Decor halloween ideas

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Halloween Pumpkin Bucket Light

Halloween Pumpkin Bucket Light - Halloween Pumpkin Bucket Light -   19 diy Home Decor halloween ideas
Make a DIY halloween pumpkin bucket light for decor. Easy halloween house decoration to make. This is such a fun and cute way to decorate for Halloween! Simple, Easy and Cheap! Get a plastic pumpkin bucket at your local store or the dollar store. They are usually around $1. Remove the handles from the bucket. Depending on the type of light fixture you have you will have to figure out how to attach it. I removed the glass part of my fixture and just slid the bucket on. The screws that were sticking out for the glass attachment are holding on the bucket for me. Another way to attach the bucket would be to cut it and wrap it around your fixture. If you are worried about the bulb being too hot, use LED bulbs!

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