18 fitness Journal deutsch ideas
Bullet Journal Flip Through
Bullet Journaling for Weight Loss – Hey Katie
via: www.heykatie.net
It’s a new year, and if you’re anything like me, you’re looking forward to your future goals and hoping that this will be the year you stay on track. Lucky for me I have a secret weapon – my bullet journal! I decided to try Bullet Journaling for Weight Loss, and I’ve gotta tell you []
30 Day Fitness Journal Challenge
via: skinnyms.com
Fitness Join in on the 30 Day Fitness Journal Challenge and take your fitness goals to a whole new level!
Fitness Planner – Fitness Tracker – Fitness Journal – Weightloss Planner
via: www.etsy.com
*CHECK OUT MY BRAND NEW INFLUENCER BRANDING & GRAPHICS SHOP* https://www.etsy.com/shop/InfluencerAesthetic Are you ready to make this year your fittest and healthiest yet?! I know the better you can plan, the more successful you’ll be with your health and fitness goals. 7 page PDF Fitness Planner: This fitness planner printable is going to help you achieve your weight loss, fitness and health goals! What you will receive with this planner: FITNESS TRACKERS – Weekly Fitness Planner: Grocery list, Weekly Fitness Goals, Weekly Workout Planner, Daily Healthy Habits Tracker, Daily Meal Plan, Notes. – Daily Fitness Journal: Weight, “Today I Feel”, Vitamins & Supplements Tracker, Daily Heathy Habits Tracker, Fitness Journal, Today’s Workout, Sleep Tracker, Water Tracker, Meal Planner, Macro Nutrients totals, Workout Stats. – Exercise Planner – Weight Training Tracker: Track your exercises, sets, reps and weight. – Body Measurement Tracker / Weightloss Planner: Track your body measurements and your weights to see your progress over time. BONUS PAGES – 3 different Cover pages with white marble background PAPER SIZE – US Letter – A4 – A5 (included are files for each paper size) OTHER SUGGESTED PLANNERS (NOT INCLUDED) + Monthly Calendar Printables: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MillennialMillonaire?ref=seller-platform-mcnav%C2%A7ion_id§ion_id=24877163 + Moon Cycle Ritual: https://www.etsy.com/listing/636380339/new-moon-full-moon-ritual-journal-ritual + Morning & Evening Manifesting Printable: https://www.etsy.com/listing/635597891/gratitude-journal-manifesting-journal Best of all this is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD! Once your payment has cleared, your file(s) will be available for download via your Etsy account. You can easily access your file(s) by going to ‘Your Account’, then clicking on ‘Purchases’ in the top right corner of your Etsy page. These planners are great in that you can print pages as many times as needed. I suggest laminating the ones you will use on a weekly basis like the Weekly Planner pages and the Daily Planner pages. That way you may use a dry erase marker and use these pages over and over. I also suggest printing these front to back if possible. This will allow your planner to run flawlessly. These files will be sent to you electronically in a PDF format, and can be printed on US Letter, A4 or A5 paper. *Please note: This file is for personal use only. You may not forward, share, sell or distribute the file. It is for non-commercial use only. Millennial Millionaire retains all rights. Due to the nature of this product, there will be no refunds for purchases. This is a digital product for your own personal printing.
via: www.etsy.com
*CHECK OUT MY BRAND NEW INFLUENCER BRANDING & GRAPHICS SHOP* https://www.etsy.com/shop/InfluencerAesthetic Are you ready to make this year your fittest and healthiest yet?! I know the better you can plan, the more successful you’ll be with your health and fitness goals. 7 page PDF Fitness Planner: This fitness planner printable is going to help you achieve your weight loss, fitness and health goals! What you will receive with this planner: FITNESS TRACKERS – Weekly Fitness Planner: Grocery list, Weekly Fitness Goals, Weekly Workout Planner, Daily Healthy Habits Tracker, Daily Meal Plan, Notes. – Daily Fitness Journal: Weight, “Today I Feel”, Vitamins & Supplements Tracker, Daily Heathy Habits Tracker, Fitness Journal, Today’s Workout, Sleep Tracker, Water Tracker, Meal Planner, Macro Nutrients totals, Workout Stats. – Exercise Planner – Weight Training Tracker: Track your exercises, sets, reps and weight. – Body Measurement Tracker / Weightloss Planner: Track your body measurements and your weights to see your progress over time. BONUS PAGES – 3 different Cover pages with white marble background PAPER SIZE – US Letter – A4 – A5 (included are files for each paper size) OTHER SUGGESTED PLANNERS (NOT INCLUDED) + Monthly Calendar Printables: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MillennialMillonaire?ref=seller-platform-mcnav%C2%A7ion_id§ion_id=24877163 + Moon Cycle Ritual: https://www.etsy.com/listing/636380339/new-moon-full-moon-ritual-journal-ritual + Morning & Evening Manifesting Printable: https://www.etsy.com/listing/635597891/gratitude-journal-manifesting-journal Best of all this is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD! Once your payment has cleared, your file(s) will be available for download via your Etsy account. You can easily access your file(s) by going to ‘Your Account’, then clicking on ‘Purchases’ in the top right corner of your Etsy page. These planners are great in that you can print pages as many times as needed. I suggest laminating the ones you will use on a weekly basis like the Weekly Planner pages and the Daily Planner pages. That way you may use a dry erase marker and use these pages over and over. I also suggest printing these front to back if possible. This will allow your planner to run flawlessly. These files will be sent to you electronically in a PDF format, and can be printed on US Letter, A4 or A5 paper. *Please note: This file is for personal use only. You may not forward, share, sell or distribute the file. It is for non-commercial use only. Millennial Millionaire retains all rights. Due to the nature of this product, there will be no refunds for purchases. This is a digital product for your own personal printing.
Bullet Journal Tracker & Layouts Deutsch Analog und Digital | Etsy
via: www.etsy.com
HOL DIR DAS ULTIMATIVE TRACKER BUNDLE F?R DEIN (DIGITALES) BULLET JOURNAL Wir haben ein extra gro?es Layout Paket f?r Dich geschn?rt, das keine W?nsche offen l?sst. ?ber 50 Charts, Tracker und Challenges warten darauf, dich zu begeistern und zu motivieren. Jedes Layout ist als PNG mit transparentem Hintergrund enthalten, damit Du es einfach in Dein digitales Bullet Journal einf?gen und benutzen kannst. Zus?tzlich sind alle Dateien als druckbare PDFs beigef?gt, falls Du sie f?r dein analoges BuJo ausdrucken m?chtest. Das Bundle enth?lt Tracker, Charts und Challenges zu den Themen • Finanzen • Freizeit • Wohlbefinden • Erf?hrung • Fitness • und viele weitere Extras…lass Dich ?berraschen! F?r weitere Fragen, Inspiration und Austausch kannst Du auch unserer Facebook Gruppe beitreten: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BUJOGERMANY/ Und da Du Dir die M?he gegeben hast, diese Produktbeschreibung bis zum Ende zu lesen, verrate ich Dir jetzt ein Geheimnis: Mitglieder der Facebook Gruppe erhalten auf dieses Produkt einen dicken Rabatt. Komm in die Gruppe und hol Dir den Code! 🙂 Folge uns auf Youtube, um mehr ?ber das digitale Planen und die unbegrenzten M?glichkeiten zu erfahren! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCylz9LWbdkDvyig-ye-OXgw/ WO FINDE ICH MEIN PRODUKT NACH DEM KAUF? Etsy Kunden k?nnen es direkt nach dem Kauf im Bereich “Kauf und Bewertungen” herunterladen. Wenn Du als Gast bei Etsy bist, erh?lst Du eine E-Mail an die f?r den Kauf angegebene Adresse. ACHTUNG: MIT DEM KAUF ERH?LST DU EINE ZIP DATEI, DIE ZUERST DEKOMPRIMIERT WERDEN MUSS. DIESE ENTH?LT DEINE DATEN. ERSTATTUNGEN: Bitte beachte, dass dies ein digitales Produkt ist. Aus naheliegenden Gr?nden ist eine R?ckgabe und eine Erstattung somit ausgeschlossen. Sollte etwas nicht Deiner Vorstellung entsprechen, oder Du Fragen zur Benutzung hast, kontaktiere mich. Wir werden bestimmt eine L?sung finden. Wenn Du grunds?tzlich unsicher bist, wie Du dieses Produkt verwenden sollst, kannst Du mich ebenso anschreiben, und zwar am besten bevor Du kaufst. Ich helfe Dir gerne, Dich in der Welt der digitalen Planung und ihren nahezu unbegrenzten M?glichkeiten, zurechtzufinden. 🙂 BITTE BEACHTE: Du erh?lst ein rein digitales, kein physisches Produkt. BITTE BEACHTE AUSSERDEM: Dieser Artikel ist nur f?r den pers?nlichen Gebrauch bestimmt und darf nicht weiterverkauft, neu hergestellt, kopiert, weiterverbreitet oder f?r kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden. F?r weitere Fragen kontaktiere mich hier im Shop oder unter qwerdenker-digitals@gmx.de ____________________________________ Bullet Journal Tracker & Layouts Deutsch | Analog und Digital | Gesundheit, Fitness, Finanzen, Freizeit, Challenges | PNGs und Printables
Health & Wellness Planner Kit
via: www.etsy.com
??Hello! This Ultimate Wellness Kit will help you to have MIND, BODY and SOUL balance. You will have everything you need to create your wellness journey for mindfulness, weight-loss, fitness, self-care, special diet plans, keeping track of dr. notes, vitamins, supplements and much more. Transform your life and live with the best version of yourself, you deserve it! ? ? WHAT’S INCLUDED ? – Cover – Daily Self-care – Weekly Meal+drink Chart – Weekly Meal Planning – Shopping List – Special Diet Planning Chart – Special Diet Recipe Planning – Keto Diet Shopping List – Candida Shopping List (2 pgs) – Dr. Notes – Exercise/Fitness Tracker – Self Reflection – Wellness Journal – Wellness Journey – Post-Therapy Reflections – Dreams+Obstacles Reflection – Mindfulness Tracker – Motivational Quotes (2 pgs) ? 20 PAGES – US LETTER PDF – INSTANT DOWNLOAD – DIGITAL EDITABLE DOCUMENT ? ( you will not be receiving a physical object in the mail) >> When printing go for ‘Actual size’ or ‘Scale 100%’ (printing instructions will be sent with the files) >> You can print as many as you want for your own use, please don’t share, send your friends to my shop. >> You can easily print at home or at your local print shop. ?? You can also fill it in on your computer by opening it on Adobe Reader. If you don’t have it, you can download Adobe Reader from here for FREE: https://get.adobe.com/reader/ ~~ (Copy+Paste the link to a new tab) ???? TO ORDER ???? Once your payment has been processed, you will be able to download your files from the purchases and reviews section of your account, you will also receive an email (check your spam/junk folder). This file is for PERSONAL use only and may NOT be sold or distributed in any way. Ocean Printables: © Copyright 2018-present, protected by Etsy. ? WELCOME GIFT ? If you want to get 10% OFF on your first order and receive FREE ‘To-Do List’, copy and paste this link to a new tab to subscribe Exclusive VIP List: https://mailchi.mp/67368d12010a/oceanprintables ? If you also want to gain new habits easily, here are my Simple and Floral Habit Tracking Kits ? ??https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/659098313/ ??https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/625330958/ If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on Etsy 🙂 Thank you, Ocean Printables ?
All things Fitness + Beauty, Fitness Planner, Fitness Journal, Health and Fitness, Food Journal, Meal Prep, Workout tracker, Meal Plan
via: etsy.me
Simple changes over time = Huge results! The Next Solopreneur is Making weight loss simple with the 5 pounds at a time challenge. I’ve personally tried soooooooo many diets and exercises along the years but it always came right back because I did not change my “bad habits”. BUT not this time! This time I focused on changing my habits one at a time and its working! I don’t feel stressed out over what I can and can not eat or do because its not a DIET. Here are a few tips that will help you get started: 1. Drink more water. You can not get rid of the weight unless you flush it out. Add sliced lemon and cucumber if you really want to see the pounds come off. 2. Stay away from SUGARY drinks even if they are “Diet”. Drink water. Think before you drink your calories lol. 3. Stop eating when you notice you are full. So what if there is still more on your plate. Save it for your next meal. 4. Plan ahead. This was the toughest part for me. Having healthy snacks with you or WATER will definitely help you drop a few extra pounds. As you start to change these small habits it will make it ALOT easier to keep going. NOW these changes are simple. But it may not always be easy so you should always celebrate the small wins. The Time is going to pass anyways you might as well drop a few pounds along the way! Im always available for questions or support. Im not a fitness coach nor do I want to be. Just sharing info that helped me. What’s Inside! The Old me – Before Photo and Measurements The New me – After Photo and Measurements It’s all in the daily – Food journal, water intake, track your mood and small successes. Now you can repeat your best days! Consistency is the magic word – Habit/Accountability tracker. This page will keep you accountable to your goals. Small changes daily equal Big results a few months from now. Meal Prep – Meal Prep and mini shopping list. Stop setting yourself up for failure and meal prep. Grocery List Favorite Recipies My Motivation and Success! – Reflection and self love. Making Progress – Compare week 4, week 8, week 12 and when you reach your goals. 5 Pounds at a time – Keep it simple. Be-You-Tiful – Morning/Night Routines and Beauty Regimen DIY Beauty Tips – Keep track of all of the new tips you want to try! Night Out! – Get that special night just how you like it. Plan ahead! Let’s get Active – Weekly Fitness Planner/Tracker. Repeat your best weeks! My ideal life – Health goals, life goals, Commitment to myself, positive affirmations. What you get: – PDF Download – 18 pages including cover page – Paper size 8.5×11 (US letter size) Perfect for a binder! Print as many as you need for personal use only. Not to be copied, sold or redistributed.
Motivational Bullet Journal Spreads for Health and Fitness ? The Petite Planner
via: thepetiteplanner.com
Motivational Bullet Journal Spreads for Health and Fitness – The Petite Planner Stay motivated to reach your health and fitness goals with these inspiring bullet journal spreads, logs, layouts, and trackers.
Fitness Planner Printable Weight Loss Health Planner Fitness Journal Workout Log Food Diary Calorie Tracker Daily Weight Loss Step Tracker
via: etsy.me
Printable Fitness & Health Planner | 50 Printable Pages | Created by Printable Craze Reach your health and fitness goals with this set of fitness planners! I’ve been where you’ve been, not discipling myself, eating whatever I want, when I want. If you’re ready for a change, these fitness pages will help you overcome your ways. You can overcome that hurdle through carefully planning your meals, keeping a food diary, adopting new healthy habits and following regular exercise routines. With this empathetic mindset, I specifically designed this set of planners to help you ACHIEVE your fitness and health goals. With this fitness planner, you’re not just getting pages to help you plan your exercises and meals. No! You’re also getting multiple habit trackers and mood trackers. Exercising and eating right is just the start. You need to make sure your mind is in the right the place to help you succeed in your goals. To help change your mindset, I’ve included 10 bonus coloring pages to give you motivation and inspiration. Anytime you feel down or don’t think you can keep going, pull these pages out to relieve your anxiety and stress with life. ________________________________________________________________ ? WHAT’S INCLUDED – Health and Fitness Planner 40 Pages Letter Size PDF (8.5x11in) A4 PDF (8.27×11.69in) – 10 Bonus Coloring Pages Letter Size PDF (8.5x11in) A4 PDF (8.27×11.69in) ________________________________________________________________ ? FEATURED – Front Cover – Back Cover Page or Dashboard (same as cover page but blank) – Calorie Log – Weekly Meals: 2 Versions – Health Pledge – Mood Tracker: 3 Versions – Habit Tracker: 5 Versions – Fitness Goals – Daily Step Tracker – Running Tracker – Workout Tracker – Progress Photos – Workout Schedule – Grocery Checklist: 3 Pages – Healthy Recipes – Recipes to Try – Measurement Progress – Daily Food Diary – Running Log – Blank Calendar: Monday & Sunday Start – 30 Day Fitness Challenge: Custom Made! – My Weight Journey – Recipe Planner – Healthy Living Tracker – Daily Gratitude – Lifestyle Tracer: 2 Versions – 12 Week Workout Planner – 31 Day Workout Planner ? BONUS: – 10 Motivational Coloring Pages ________________________________________________________________ ? PLEASE READ 1. All printables are in PDF format. You will need to download Adobe Reader, (it’s free) http://get.adobe.com/reader/. 2. All files are for personal, non-commercial use only. Unlimited printing. 3. Colors may vary between on-screen viewing and your actual printed product due to differences in computer monitors. Please take this into consideration when placing your order. 4. If you experience any problems with your download, you can troubleshoot here, http://etsy.com/help/article/3949?ref=help_search_result or contact me directly. 5. Due to the nature of the product, there are no refunds. If you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact me directly at PrintableCraze [!at] gmail.com ________________________________________________________________ ? Visit my shop for more productivity tools. http://printablecraze.etsy.com/ © All Design Templates are Copyrights of PrintableCraze. No Replication Permitted. For personal use only.
Fitness Planner Fitness Journal Health and Fitness Planner Workout Log Workout Planner Planner Inserts Fitness Printable Measurement Chart
via: www.etsy.com
If there’s one thing in life that nearly every person struggles with, it’s their fitness. There’s always the temptation to do a little bit less in each workout, or to just skip it all together. Studies have shown that tracking food intake and muscle improvements helps participants to lose weight TWICE AS FAST as those that don’t keep a journal. By using this planner to track your progress, schedule your meals and record your measurements, you can unlock your full potential and be sure to be better than the person you were yesterday. You can purchase the A5 (5.8 x 8.3 in) version here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/288161501/a5-fitness-planner-fitness-journal?ref=shop_home_active_1 ???????????????? WHAT’S INCLUDED? ???????????????? In this download you will receive a LETTER SIZE PDF that includes: ? Fitness Planner PDF (11 Pages) ? Printing Advice Sheet ? FITNESS PLANNER ? Cover Page with Inspirational Quote ? Starting Measurements / Goals Page ? Obstacles & Steps to Overcome ? Monthly Workout Log (3 pages) ? Progress Tracker ? Weekly Meals and Supplements Log (2 pages) ? Weekly Workout Log (2 pages) » All planners come with 1.5 cm margins for hole-punching / binding. ???????????????? ANY QUESTIONS? ???????????????? Please do not hesitate to shoot me a message! I am very quick to respond and I am always open to questions, comments and suggestions. Let’s keep in touch ? Follow us on Instagram at @plannersbyb Tag us in your fabulous photos! Happy Planning ? Planners By B. www.etsy.com/shop/plannersbyb
How to Bullet Journal: The Absolute Ultimate Guide — The Lazy Genius Collective
{UPDATE: Don’t miss the free printables at the bottom of this post as well as the follow-up post 7 Bonus Bullet Journal Lessons . } The January air smells like organization. You can’t fight it, so let’s lean into it with lazy genius attitude. I want to tell you about the Bul
My May Bullet Journal flip-through ???
{UPDATE: Don’t miss the free printables at the bottom of this post as well as the follow-up post 7 Bonus Bullet Journal Lessons . } The January air smells like organization. You can’t fight it, so let’s lean into it with lazy genius attitude. I want to tell you about the Bul
Digital Download LINEAR WEIGHT-LOSS Tracker A5 Bullet | Etsy
via: www.etsy.com
This Linear Weight-loss Tracker has everything you need! From beginning-and-end measurements, a box for notes, and even reminders to give yourself a reward for your awesome progress, this Weight-loss Tracker is sure to help you achieve your goals! If you’re ready to make some healthy changes and want a cute way to track everything, this is the spread for you! * This listing is for ONE (1) DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of my digitally-created LINEAR WEIGHT-LOSS TRACKER. * The spread is approximately 5.25 inches by 7.625 inches. * There are THIRTY (30) tracking boxes to be filled, as well as ONE (1) “START” flag and ONE (1) “GOAL!” flag. * Each spread is perfectly-sized to fit on one page of your A5 notebook or journal. * You can print on whatever paper you’d like. If a sticker, I recommend a Matte finish so you can still write on top. You will receive one DIGITAL DOWNLOAD after payment is confirmed. Please be honest and only print one copy per purchase. Thanks! THANK YOU! FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/my_blue_sky_design/ © 2020 Blue Sky Design | Micah Lewis. All rights reserved. This sticker is for personal, non-profit, non-business use only. All designs are made by Micah at Blue Sky Design. You may not sell these stickers or items printed and created from these files. Please be honest, and please ask me if you have any questions.
Fitness Planner Printable Weight Loss Health Planner Fitness Journal Workout Log Food Diary Calorie Tracker Daily Weight Loss Step Tracker
via: etsy.me
PURPLE Printable Fitness & Health Planner | 50 Printable Pages | Created by Printable Craze Reach your health and fitness goals with this set of fitness planners! I’ve been where you’ve been, not discipling myself, eating whatever I want, when I want. If you’re ready for a change, these fitness pages will help you overcome your ways. You can overcome that hurdle through carefully planning your meals, keeping a food diary, adopting new healthy habits and following regular exercise routines. With this empathetic mindset, I specifically designed this set of planners to help you ACHIEVE your fitness and health goals. With this fitness planner, you’re not just getting pages to help you plan your exercises and meals. No! You’re also getting multiple habit trackers and mood trackers. Exercising and eating right is just the start. You need to make sure your mind is in the right the place to help you succeed in your goals. To help change your mindset, I’ve included 10 bonus coloring pages to give you motivation and inspiration. Anytime you feel down or don’t think you can keep going, pull these pages out to relieve your anxiety and stress with life. ________________________________________________________________ ? PINK VERSION: https://etsy.me/2OnIp4U ________________________________________________________________ ? WHAT’S INCLUDED PURPLE VERSION – Health and Fitness Planner 40 Pages Letter Size PDF (8.5x11in) A4 PDF (8.27×11.69in) – 10 Bonus Coloring Pages Letter Size PDF (8.5x11in) A4 PDF (8.27×11.69in) ________________________________________________________________ ? FEATURED – Front Cover – Back Cover Page or Dashboard (same as cover page but blank) – Calorie Log – Weekly Meals: 2 Versions – Health Pledge – Mood Tracker: 3 Versions – Habit Tracker: 5 Versions – Fitness Goals – Daily Step Tracker – Running Tracker – Workout Tracker – Progress Photos – Workout Schedule – Grocery Checklist: 3 Pages – Healthy Recipes – Recipes to Try – Measurement Progress – Daily Food Diary – Running Log – Blank Calendar: Monday & Sunday Start – 30 Day Fitness Challenge: Custom Made! – My Weight Journey – Recipe Planner – Healthy Living Tracker – Daily Gratitude – Lifestyle Tracer: 2 Versions – 12 Week Workout Planner – 31 Day Workout Planner ? BONUS: – 10 Motivational Coloring Pages ________________________________________________________________ ? PLEASE READ 1. All printables are in PDF format. You will need to download Adobe Reader, (it’s free) http://get.adobe.com/reader/. 2. All files are for personal, non-commercial use only. Unlimited printing. 3. Colors may vary between on-screen viewing and your actual printed product due to differences in computer monitors. Please take this into consideration when placing your order. 4. If you experience any problems with your download, you can troubleshoot here, http://etsy.com/help/article/3949?ref=help_search_result or contact me directly. 5. Due to the nature of the product, there are no refunds. If you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact me directly at PrintableCraze [!at] gmail.com ________________________________________________________________ ? Visit my shop for more productivity tools. http://printablecraze.etsy.com/ © All Design Templates are Copyrights of PrintableCraze. No Replication Permitted. For personal use only. Tags: Fitness Planner Printable Weight Loss Health Planner Fitness Journal Workout Log Food Diary Calorie Tracker Daily Weight Loss Step Tracker Purple
Pin on Bullet journal
via: www.etsy.com
*CHECK OUT MY BRAND NEW INFLUENCER BRANDING & GRAPHICS SHOP* https://www.etsy.com/shop/InfluencerAesthetic Are you ready to make this year your fittest and healthiest yet?! I know the better you can plan, the more successful you’ll be with your health and fitness goals. 7 page PDF Fitness Planner: This fitness planner printable is going to help you achieve your weight loss, fitness and health goals! What you will receive with this planner: FITNESS TRACKERS – Weekly Fitness Planner: Grocery list, Weekly Fitness Goals, Weekly Workout Planner, Daily Healthy Habits Tracker, Daily Meal Plan, Notes. – Daily Fitness Journal: Weight, “Today I Feel”, Vitamins & Supplements Tracker, Daily Heathy Habits Tracker, Fitness Journal, Today’s Workout, Sleep Tracker, Water Tracker, Meal Planner, Macro Nutrients totals, Workout Stats. – Exercise Planner – Weight Training Tracker: Track your exercises, sets, reps and weight. – Body Measurement Tracker / Weightloss Planner: Track your body measurements and your weights to see your progress over time. BONUS PAGES – 3 different Cover pages with white marble background PAPER SIZE – US Letter – A4 – A5 (included are files for each paper size) OTHER SUGGESTED PLANNERS (NOT INCLUDED) + Monthly Calendar Printables: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MillennialMillonaire?ref=seller-platform-mcnav%C2%A7ion_id§ion_id=24877163 + Moon Cycle Ritual: https://www.etsy.com/listing/636380339/new-moon-full-moon-ritual-journal-ritual + Morning & Evening Manifesting Printable: https://www.etsy.com/listing/635597891/gratitude-journal-manifesting-journal Best of all this is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD! Once your payment has cleared, your file(s) will be available for download via your Etsy account. You can easily access your file(s) by going to ‘Your Account’, then clicking on ‘Purchases’ in the top right corner of your Etsy page. These planners are great in that you can print pages as many times as needed. I suggest laminating the ones you will use on a weekly basis like the Weekly Planner pages and the Daily Planner pages. That way you may use a dry erase marker and use these pages over and over. I also suggest printing these front to back if possible. This will allow your planner to run flawlessly. These files will be sent to you electronically in a PDF format, and can be printed on US Letter, A4 or A5 paper. *Please note: This file is for personal use only. You may not forward, share, sell or distribute the file. It is for non-commercial use only. Millennial Millionaire retains all rights. Due to the nature of this product, there will be no refunds for purchases. This is a digital product for your own personal printing.
Fitness Planner Printable Weight Loss Health Planner Fitness Journal Workout Log Food Diary Calorie Tracker Daily Weight Loss Step Tracker
via: etsy.me
Fitness Planner Printable Health Planner Fitness Journal Workout Log Food Diary Calorie Tracker Daily Weight Loss Step Tracker Meal Planner #fitnessplanner Printable Fitness & Health Planner | 50 Printable Pages | Created by Printable Craze Reach your health and fitness goals with this set of fitness planners! I’ve been where you’ve been, not discipling myself, eating whatever I want, when I want. If you’re ready for a change, these fitness pages will help you overcome your ways. You can overcome that hurdle through carefully planning your meals, keeping a food diary, adopting new healthy habits and following regular exercise routines. With this empathetic mindset, I specifically designed this set of planners to help you ACHIEVE your fitness and health goals. With this fitness planner, you’re not just getting pages to help you plan your exercises and meals. No! You’re also getting multiple habit trackers and mood trackers. Exercising and eating right is just the start. You need to make sure your mind is in the right the place to help you succeed in your goals. To help change your mindset, I’ve included 10 bonus coloring pages to give you motivation and inspiration. Anytime you feel down or don’t think you can keep going, pull these pages out to relieve your anxiety and stress with life. ________________________________________________________________ ? WHAT’S INCLUDED – Health and Fitness Planner 40 Pages Letter Size PDF (8.5x11in) A4 PDF (8.27×11.69in) – 10 Bonus Coloring Pages Letter Size PDF (8.5x11in) A4 PDF (8.27×11.69in) ________________________________________________________________ ? FEATURED – Front Cover – Back Cover Page or Dashboard (same as cover page but blank) – Calorie Log – Weekly Meals: 2 Versions – Health Pledge – Mood Tracker: 3 Versions – Habit Tracker: 5 Versions – Fitness Goals – Daily Step Tracker – Running Tracker – Workout Tracker – Progress Photos – Workout Schedule – Grocery Checklist: 3 Pages – Healthy Recipes – Recipes to Try – Measurement Progress – Daily Food Diary – Running Log – Blank Calendar: Monday & Sunday Start – 30 Day Fitness Challenge: Custom Made! – My Weight Journey – Recipe Planner – Healthy Living Tracker – Daily Gratitude – Lifestyle Tracer: 2 Versions – 12 Week Workout Planner – 31 Day Workout Planner ? BONUS: – 10 Motivational Coloring Pages ________________________________________________________________ ? PLEASE READ 1. All printables are in PDF format. You will need to download Adobe Reader, (it’s free) http://get.adobe.com/reader/. 2. All files are for personal, non-commercial use only. Unlimited printing. 3. Colors may vary between on-screen viewing and your actual printed product due to differences in computer monitors. Please take this into consideration when placing your order. 4. If you experience any problems with your download, you can troubleshoot here, http://etsy.com/help/article/3949?ref=help_search_result or contact me directly. 5. Due to the nature of the product, there are no refunds. If you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact me directly at PrintableCraze [!at] gmail.com ________________________________________________________________ ? Visit my shop for more productivity tools. http://printablecraze.etsy.com/ © All Design Templates are Copyrights of PrintableCraze. No Replication Permitted. For personal use only.
25+ Best September Habit Trackers For Bujo Addicts
via: www.crazylaura.com
Looking to add a habit tracker to your bullet journal!? Check out these September layouts and spreads for inspiration! #bujo #habittracker #bulletjournal #bujoideas If you’re adding a new habit tracker to your bullet journal this September, then you need to check out these awesome examples for ideas!