17 diy Bed Frame floating ideas

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Walnut King platform bed. The original “NOK” Japanese floating platform bed I designed in 1998.

Walnut King platform bed. The original
Called the NOK platform bed. This is one of my best sellers. It is King size with 6″ wide, 8″ high decks, and a 17″ high headboard. This one is walnut. It has a floating look with an invisible, recessed mattress platform, so there’s nowhere to stub your toes as you walk around the bed. All my beds are made this way. It, like all my beds, can be fitted with side tables. The parts under the decks are flat black so that they are more invisible, adding to the floating look. The headboard style can be one piece, or a split design as in the photo. Does not include mattress. The King bed is 82″ long and 88″ wide, and the deck surrounding your mattress is 8″ high. The mattress platform is usually 2″ from the floor. The headboard height depends on your mattress thickness. Ships by UPS for $250.

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