15 beauty Flowers dahlias ideas

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Dahlia Jowey Winnie

Dahlia Jowey Winnie - Dahlia Jowey Winnie -   15 beauty Flowers dahlias ideas
Dahlia Jowey Winnie – Floret Flower Farm Dahlia ‘Jowey Winnie’ Note: We are taking a break from selling dahlias in order to build up our mother stock of tubers and to improve the process for our customers and our farm crew. Learn more about our decision and the future of Floret dahlias. We’re continuing to research and experiment with different ways to share dahlias with other flower lovers. Until we are able to offer dahlia tubers again, we have compiled a list of our favorite dahlia suppliers. If ‘Bracken Rose’ had a big sister, this beauty would be her. Their coloring is so similar, but ‘Jowey Winnie’ has a warm peach undertone whereas ‘Bracken Rose’ is more of a cool rosy-pink. The vigorous, healthy plants churn out armloads of large, ball-shaped, dusty-rose flowers all season long. Their long, strong stems make them ideal for cutting. A must have for flower arrangers and wedding florists. Details: Flower type: ball Height: 4′ Site: full sun Days to maturity: 80-100 days Plant spacing: 12-18” Pinch: when plants are 12” tall Harvesting/Vase Life: Cut when blooms are ? of the way open, but not overly ripe. To do this, check the back of each flower head, looking for firm and lush petals versus papery or slightly dehydrated ones. Place into water with hydrator, or sear stem ends by placing into 160-180° water and allow to cool for 1 hour. Blooms will last 5-6 days.

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